Smart Gujarat Hackathon 2017
Challenge Statement


Name of the Department: Home Department



Challenge Title
( Must be one liner)


How safe is this website ??

Challenge Description with context
(At least one Paragraph)


The best recommendation I can offer is to browse smart. That means you ought to always double-check the URL of your banking site, social networking site, and e-mail site before you log in. Most browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer, now include a color-change on the left side of the location bar to indicate that the site has been verified as legitimate. It's always a good idea to type in the URL by hand, and to never follow links from an e-mail. Also, checking for HTTPS instead of the less-secure HTTP is a good idea, although HTTPS isn't foolproof. But what about that link to some ostensibly hilarious video your best friend just posted to Twitter?



Any users

Expected Outcomes


An application which will check the given website is safe or not.