Smart Gujarat Hackathon 2017
Challenge Statement


Name of the Department: Agriculture & Cooperation Department

: Commissioner of Fisheries


Problem GH192:




Challenge Title
( Must be one liner)


 Mobile Fish Marketing Set up

Challenge Description with context
(At least one Paragraph)


To create an mobile set up  for physical supply of fish / fish products to the end customers in a hygienic and affordable manner


End consumers should be able to find out the location of the mobile fish marketing wan along with its timing and the products available with the van.


There should be a comprehensive system designed for mobile marketing of fish and fish products in metro and urban areas.


Input:  (By producer, trader, exporter)

Van identification

Location and time of its availability in the local area.

products available and its prices


Out Put; ( To end consumers )

Van identification

Location and time of its availability in the local area.

products available and its prices


Environment: Android / Web based.


What Exact Problem is being Solved?


Providing mobile platform for  physical marketing of fish / fish products to the end customers in a hygienic and affordable manner




End consumers (B2C) and Intermediary / middle men (B2C) and all concerned stack holders

Expected Outcomes


End user can easily get the required information in a user-friendly way. Solutions should be Notifiable. Authenticated user should be able to view geo-location of mobile fish supply van. Authenticated user can view and manage necessary data from their app.



A convenient fish marketing system ensuring easy availability of hygienic fish and fish products at affordable rates.